FIU Health Insurance

Do you need insurance coverage but aren't sure where to start? Enrolling in the FIU Student Health Insurance Plan can save you money by giving you the Student Health Advantage! Not only do you get an affordable, comprehensive health insurance plan insured through Aetna Student Health, but if you come to Student Health Clinics at either MMC or BBC for services, we waive your deductible and copays! Also, our plans offer an unlimited policy year maximum and low annual deductibles when you use it outside of the FIU Student Health Clinics. 

Graduate assistants with 20 hours per week full-term appointments

(Automatically enrolled in plan)

Graduate Assistants can waive the FIU Health Insurance Plan (this does not apply to international students or students on an F1 or J1 visa). If you have any questions, contact Academic HealthPlans (AHP) at (855) 440-9222. Visit the Graduate School website for more information on FIU Graduate Assistantships.

Optional dental and vision insurance

Students do NOT need to be enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan in order to purchase optional dental or vision insurance.

Cigna Dental - Students and dependents who wish to enroll in dental coverage will need to complete the online enrollment process and pay the full premium amount online via credit card through the link to Cigna’s site. 

VSP Vision - Students and dependents who wish to enroll in vision coverage will need to complete the online enrollment process and pay the full premium amount online via credit card through the link to VSP’s site.

For more information on these plan benefits and/or to enroll: Click Here.

Academic HealthPlans (AHP)

For additional information or assistance please contact AHP Customer Service.

Toll-Free phone: (855) 440-9222