At FIU Student Health & Wellness we aim to support the overall well-being of students. We use a multi-faceted approach (i.e., services, programs, trainings, and campaigns) that educates, engages, and empowers the university community to sustain lifelong health and wellness.
Pawsitively Aware
Required Trainings
These trainings are designed to give you a general understanding of some of the issues that can affect college students. Some of them are required, others are suggested. We wanted to provide a one-stop shop for all them.
FIU Student Health & Wellness Services
Athletic Training Services is a division of the FIU Wellness & Recreation Center at MMC focused on providing free and/or low-cost on-site and clinical athletic training services to FIU students with muscle injuries or conditions.
Whether you spend most of your time at MMC or BBC, there’s a fully equipped recreation center near you. Offering fitness classes, state-of-the-art gym equipment, adventure excursions and more, Campus Recreation has everything you need to live a fit and healthy lifestyle.
Counseling & Psychological Services
The mission of FIU's Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) is to provide mental health services to students that will facilitate and enhance their personal learning, emotional well-being, and academic skills development.The Dean of Students Office identifies and addresses student concerns and crises. Through the Panthers Care initiative, they provide 1-on-1 care meetings, educational outreach to the university community, and connect students with campus and community resources. Use their referral system to connect a student with support and resources.
Our aim is to guide and support students with disabilities throughout their college experience, from transitioning into FIU to graduating from our university, the DRC’s goal is to help you be successful.
The Financial Wellness Program at FIU aims to help students better understand what it means to live a financially healthy life and all the good things that come along with it.
The Health Compliance (HC) unit is essential to the matriculation of students. HC reviews and processes both immunization and health insurance documents to ensure incoming students and international students comply with the regulations put forth by the Florida Board of Governors.
At the Healthy Living Program (HLP), we offer a holistic and preventative approach to health by encouraging FIU students to engage in everyday healthy lifestyle practices!
Student Conduct & Academic Integrity
The Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (SCAI), works to ensure that FIU is a “safe and stimulating environment in which scholarship and personal growth may occur.”The food pantries serve FIU students in need. All the food distributed comes from donations made by staff, faculty, members of the community, and student groups.
The Student Health Clinics provide affordable and accessible student-focused medical care and promote healthy lifestyles through education, mentorship, and research activities thus facilitating the academic success of our students.
The CAPS Victim Empowerment Program (VEP) provides free, confidential crisis assistance to FIU students who have been victimized by threatened or current violence.
Want to Volunteer?
Interested in volunteering for the Healthy Living Program or SHW Marketing? Click the link below to fill out our volunteering form.