Outstanding Student Life Awards

Student Life Awards Nominations!

The Outstanding Student Life Awards Application are now open! Nominate a student before January 31st.

Award categories and descriptions

  • Outstanding Leadership Award

    The Outstanding Leadership Award recognizes integrity, leadership and teamwork exhibited by individual FIU students. Strong nominations will highlight the student’s commitment to and leadership in co-curricular campus involvement in the following categories:

    • First Year Leader of the Year Award (less than 30 credits)
    • Sophomore Leader of the Year Award (30-59 credits)
    • Junior Leader of the Year Award (60-89 credits)
    • Senior Leader of the Year Award (90 credits and above)
    • Graduate Student Leader of the Year Award

    In addition to demonstrating leadership in the university community, eligibility will be based on the number of credit hours completed at the time of the nomination. All nominees for the category “Senior” must be eligible for graduation within the year of the award.

  • Outstanding Service Award

    The Outstanding Service Award recognizes the commitment of time and service to others by a student and/or organization/group. Strong nominations should speak to the impact and outcomes of the service and when applicable, how these achievements have impacted the nominee’s contributions toward promoting active citizenship.

  • Outstanding Civic Leadership Award
    The Outstanding Civic Leadership Award embodies the Division of Student Affairs' ongoing commitment to educate and/or advocate for the importance of valuing and celebrating differences on campus. This award will recognize a student and/or organization/group which has demonstrated their advocacy, leadership or intentional impact in shaping and driving the appreciation for all communities on campus and beyond.
  • Outstanding Spirit Award

    The Outstanding Spirit Award honors one student and/or organization/group that has demonstrated outstanding leadership in promoting campus spirit, pride, and loyalty to FIU. Strong nominations will provide examples of Panther pride and, when applicable, information related to the impact this has had on their peers and FIU.

  • Outstanding Innovation Award

    The Outstanding Innovation Award recognizes one student and/or organization/group that has created a new campus tradition, innovative programming idea or shown exceptional commitment to supporting a campus tradition and/or increasing the university’s prestige. Strong nominations will also elaborate on the impact made by the student or organization on campus through the program, tradition or other new idea.

  • Outstanding Scholar Award

    The Outstanding Scholar Award recognizes a student who has demonstrated outstanding leadership through academic achievement and/or research. Strong nominations will share the significance of the academic achievements and/or research conducted by the student. When applicable, nominators will share information related to the potential implications of the student’s findings.

  • Presidential Award

    The Presidential Award recognizes one student who has significantly impacted the FIU community. Strong candidates will have shown continuous dedication and action to enhance life on campus and university prestige. The recipient of the Presidential Award will be selected from all nominees, so you need to nominate them for any of the other award categories for them to be considered.

Eligibility and process

  • Nominees and applicants for all awards
    • Have demonstrated leadership in the university community that enhances life on campus in either virtual or in-person environments.
    • Must be enrolled at FIU during the semester of the awards ceremony.
    • Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75.
    • Must be in good conduct standing with the university( A Conduct Check will be conducted by the Office of Student Conduct & Academic Integrity, all applicants will be asked to authorize a conduct check)
    • Required to complete the Nominee Form, which is sent by email when a nomination is submitted.
      • Check your junk and/or spam mail for this message. It will be from FIU Student Life Awards <SLA@fiu.edu>.
      • Called a "Letter of Recommendation" by the system.
      • Must upload resume (.pdf), headshot (.jpeg). Submitting a video submission sharing a quick description of what the nomination means to you and/or the organization is optional .
      • If you receive multiple nominations, you will need to complete the Nominee Form multiple times.
      • Students who are nominated will have until February 7, 2025 to complete the Nominee Form, otherwise their nomination will be voided. 
  • Nominators

    Nominators must complete the online nomination form:

    • Create a profile when first logging into the system. (This will auto-populate some of the form.)
    • The questions generated depend on the category selected.
    • Nominators will be asked to complete the questions provided within the form OR provide a letter of support in PDF form stating the award category and examples that indicate the strength of the student’s candidacy, and whenever applicable, the impact the student has had through co-curricular involvement.
    • Track the nominations you submit through this system:
      • Provide an FIU email address for the student, who will receive a request to fill out a Nominee Form. The nomination is NOT valid until this Nominee Form is also filled out.
      • See if the student submitted their Nominee Form (note: called a "Pending Letter of Recommendation" by the system). If they have not, you can resend it to them.
      • After the student submits their Nominee Form, you will receive an email indicating your nomination is complete.
  • Guidelines and Resources

    Below you will find additional resources to assist nominators with nomination letters and nominees to create or update resumes. 

    Nomination Letter(s) Guideline: Letter of Recommendation Guideline

    Resume Guidelines and Resources:

    Resources were created by FIU's Career and Talent Development and from the Office of Pre-Health Professions Advising.

Outstanding Student Life Awards

2024 Winners

Outstanding First Year Leadership Award – Eva Senande

Outstanding Sophomore Leadership Award – Hua Hui Vogel

Outstanding Junior Leadership Award – Asheley Gelin & Yasmine Tesone

Outstanding Senior Leadership Award – Natalie Concepcion, Lia Goodman, Tiara Campbell & Amanda Sarmientos

Outstanding Graduate Leadership Award – Shivanna Birbal & Sela Andrews

Outstanding Civic Leadership  Award –Kaily LaChapelle & Chelsey Ameda

Outstanding Service Organization Award –  Medical Students Working to Improve Health and Society & Student Faculty Collaborative Clinic

Outstanding Service Individual Award –   Nicholas Dore & Jose Cabas

Outstanding Innovation Organization Award –  Medical School Mindfulness

Outstanding Innovation Individual Award -  Lorena Alvarez

Outstanding Spirit Individual Award –  Marc Gedeon & Michelle Gonzalez 

Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Award – Arya B. Nair, Thomas Silva & Isabel Trespalacios

Outstanding Graduate Scholar Award – Alvi Ataur Khalil & Ahmed Soliman

Presidential Award – Seyed Saman Khedmatgozar Dolati

Larry W. Lunsford Leadership Award - Francesca Casanova

Special Recognition - SGA President, Alex Sutton & SGA Vice President, Santana Way