QEP Micro-Credential Faculty

Florida International University’s 2021 Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), Artificial Intelligence, Data, and Emotional Intelligence: Critical Skills for the 21st Century, aims to enhance students’ preparation for the 21st-century workforce by certifying students’ attainment of knowledge, skills, abilities, and values related to artificial intelligence (AI), data, and emotional intelligence (EI). The QEP initiative supports FIU’s strategic priority to amplify learner success, specifically the goal of aligning curriculum with career needs to ensure employment readiness, post-graduation success, and workforce and industry advancement.

  • Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help boost student's professional career and development. Understanding AI is a critical skill needed to stay competitive in today’s workforce. The AI micro-credential will teach students the fundamental concepts of AI, its core techniques, example applications, and philosophical, ethical and social issues.

    Learn more about the Artificial Intelligence micro-credential

  • Data
    FIU QEP Badge: Thiking and communicating with data

    Thinking and Communicating with Data have become critical skills needed for today's data-rich society that can be used in any field. Businesses are constantly making data-driven decisions. That’s why it is important for students to be able to effectively interpret data and convey ideas. These competencies have the potential to impact almost every aspect of their professional and personal life. The data interpretation micro-credential will teach students the basic concepts of data and how to apply these critical skills to communicate decisions based on data.

    Learn more about the Data micro-credential

  • Emotional Intelligence
    FIU QEP Badge: Understanding emotional intelligence

    Emotional intelligence (EI) is critical for both personal and professional growth. It is increasingly recognized as a skill leading to personal well-being, self-management, effective communication, problem-solving, and the ability to work with others. Studies show that the most effective leaders have high levels of emotional intelligence. The EI micro-credential will help students develop their emotional self-management while increasing their ability to work with others.

    Learn more about the Emotional Intelligence micro-credential

Micro-Credential Faculty

As a trained micro-credential faculty member, you are qualified to;

  • Deliver the competency-based QEP micro-credentials
  • Evaluate artifacts, assess student learning, and measure the extent to which competencies are met

Micro-credential faculty members have instructed both undergraduate and graduate students in the QEP micro-credentials to prepare them for the 21st century workforce. If you are a micro-credential faculty member and wish to teach one or more of the micro-credentials in a curricular or co-curricular offering in the next semester, please complete this form.

For more information on the micro-credential faculty, please review this handbook.

How to become a micro-credential faculty member?

Express Interest 

Faculty members communicate their interest and potential alignment opportunity between a QEP micro-credential and a curricular course to the QEP Coordinator (McLudmer Charite - mcharite@fiu.edu). Faculty (and qualified staff) interested in overseeing a co-curricular offering of a QEP micro-credential, outside a course, also communicate with the QEP Coordinator.

Do you want to teach one of the critical skills?

There are various ways you can participate in teaching one of the micro-credentials or more. For more information about possible options and/or to learn more about the QEP micro-credentials, please complete this survey and we will be in contact with you.