FIU SACSCOC Leadership

The FIU SASCOC Leadership Team is responsible for providing oversight for the reaffirmation process, including the development, implementation and completion of the Quality Enhancement Plan in accordance with SACSCOC expectations.

  • Jeanette Nuñez, Interim FIU President
  • Elizabeth M. Bejar, Ph.D., FIU Provost; Executive Vice President
  • Aime Martinez, Chief Financial Officer; Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Andres G. Gil, Ph.D., Senior Vice President for Research and Economic Development; Dean, University Graduate School
  • Hiselgis Perez, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Analysis and Information Management
  • Robert Grillo, MBA, Vice President for Information Technology; Chief Information Officer
  • Jennifer L. Doherty-Restrepo, Ph.D., Assistant Vice President for Academic Planning and Accountability; Director, Accreditation; SACSCOC Liaison
  • Noel Barengo, M.D., Ph.D., Chair, FIU Faculty Senate; Associate Professor, Medical Education

The FIU SACSCOC Leadership Team has appointed Jennifer L. Doherty-Restrepo as SACSCOC Liaison, responsible for overseeing and ensuring compliance with QEP requirements throughout its development, implementation, maintenance and completion. She supervises the faculty QEP director to ensure the plan’s successful execution and oversees the preparation and presentation of annual QEP progress reports to FIU constituencies. She also coordinates the submission of the QEP Impact Report to SACSCOC.

Faculty QEP Co-chairs

The FIU SASCOC Leadership Team appointed three faculty QEP Co-Chairs to serve as subject-matter experts supervising the educational content and assessment of student learning outcomes in the three micro-credentials.

Micahel Creedon headshot

Michael Creeden, MFA
QEP Faculty Director; Co-Chair for Emotional Intelligence (Understanding Emotional Intelligence)
Michael's Biography


Mark Finlayson

Leonardo Bobadilla, Ph.D.
Co-Chair for Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence: How It Works and Its Impact)
Leonardo's Biography


Sneh Gulati

Sneh Gulati, Ph.D. 
Co-Chair for Data (Thinking and Communicating with Data)
Sneh's Biography


Subject-matter workgroup members

Artificial Intelligence Subject-Matter Workgroup



Area of expertise

Leonardo Bobadilla, Ph.D.

School of Computing and Information Sciences, College of Engineering and Computing


Miguel Alonso, Ph.D.

School of Computing and Information Sciences, College of Engineering and Computing

General machine learning

Mark Finlayson, Ph.D.

School of Computing and Information Sciences, College of Engineering and Computing

Artificial Intelligence

Hannibal Travis, JD

College of Law

Intellectual property

Shahin Vassigh, MArch

Department of Architecture, College of Communication, Architecture, and the Arts

Visualization techniques for educational purposes

Katherine Perez, Ed.D.

Office of Academic Planning and Accountability–Institutional Effectiveness


Morgan McKie, MS

Division of Information Technology

Instructional design

Data Subject-Matter Workgroup



Area of expertise

Sneh Gulati, Ph.D. (Co-Chair)

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Arts, Sciences, and Education


Tawia Ansah, Ph.D.

College of Law

International law

Zoran Bursac, Ph.D.

Department of Biostatistics, Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work


Sukumar Ganapati, Ph.D.

Department of Public Policy and Administration, Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs

Public administration

Richard Klein, Ph.D.

College of Business

Business analytics

Gabriel Odom, Ph.D.

Department of Biostatistics, Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work


Giri Narasimhan, Ph.D.

School of Computing and Information Sciences, College of Engineering and Computing


Katherine Perez, Ed.D.

Office of Academic Planning and Accountability–Institutional Effectiveness


Marco Moreno

Division of Information Technology

Instructional design

Emotional Intelligence Subject-Matter Workgroup



Area of expertise

Michael Creeden, MFA

Department of English, College of Arts, Sciences, and Education

Technical and professional writing

Lisa Arango, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology, College of Arts, Sciences, and Education

Cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy

Alok Deoraj, Ph.D.

Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work

Environmental toxicology

Paul Feigenbaum, Ph.D.

Department of English, College of Arts, Sciences, and Education

Grant writing, rhetorical theory and practice

Ivan Lopez, MFA

Department of Theatre, College of Communication, Architecture, and the Arts

Acting as a form of therapeutic healing

Mark Macgowan, Ph.D.

Robert Stempel College of Public Health and Social Work

Evidence-informed group work, adolescent suicidality

Diann Newman, Ed.D.

Chaplin School of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Diversity, emotional intelligence, human relations

Martha Pelaez, Ph.D.

Department of Counseling, Recreation, and School Psychology; College of Arts, Sciences, and Education

Mother–infant attachment

Katherine Perez, Ed.D.

Office of Academic Planning and Accountability–Institutional Effectiveness


Ashley Rosario

Division of Information Technology

Instructional design

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee serves under the leadership of the faculty QEP co-chairs. The committee’s purpose is to support and guide the progress of the plan by offering advice, ensuring the successful delivery of the micro-credentials, facilitating the assessment of student learning outcomes, and reviewing annual reports to identify areas for improvement. Committee membership includes faculty representatives from each college and school, and faculty administrators from the Center for the Advancement of Teaching, the Division of Information Technology-Media Support, and the Office of Academic Planning and Accountability-Institutional Effectiveness, and the Office of Micro-Credential.

QEP Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is a voluntary group of students, faculty, and industry partners that offer advice and support to the FIU SACSCOC liaison, associate vice president of academic planning and accountability, and faculty QEP director. The industry partners serving on the board provide informed guidance on artificial intelligence–, data–, and emotional intelligence–related knowledge, skills, abilities, and values required for graduates to be successful in the 21st-century world of work. The faculty members serving on the board provide advice regarding evidence-based pedagogy to maximize learner attainment of established student learning outcomes and effective strategies to encourage and incentivize faculty engagement in the QEP. Students serving on the board provide insight concerning effective communication strategies for promoting student enrollment, persistence, and completion of Micro-Credentials. Members of the advisory board are appointed by FIU’s SACSCOC liaison.


  • Bridgette Cram, Vice President for Academic Affairs


  • Angie Morris, Manager of Student Development and Opportunity Management at MITRE Corporation
  • Cat Stolar, Future-ready Skills Lead at Microsoft
  • Edgar Ferrer, Senior Account Executive of Florida for Microsoft Education
  • Jason Morales, Global Strategy Leader for Data and Artificial Intelligence at Microsoft
  • Paul Raun, Vice President and Store Manager at TD Bank


Office of Academic Planning and Accountability
11200 SW 8th Street, PC 112
Miami, FL 33199

Michael Creeden
Faculty QEP Director, Co-Chair for Emotional Intelligence 

McLudmer Charite
QEP Manager