For Faculty
There are many ways you may interact with the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (SCAI). You may need to report an allegation of academic or behavioral misconduct, be notified that one of your students has been placed on an interim suspension, or you may be interested in serving as a faculty representative on the Student Conduct Committee
While programs are permitted to have program specific conduct standards, allegations of misconduct must first be adjudicated under the Code. Efforts to sanction a student for a violation under the Code, for example, having a student resubmit an assignment due to plagiarism, is not allowed. This would violate a student’s rights under the Code. It is important that you report any concerns that you have about a student to SCAI as close to the incident as possible. Once you have reported a possible violation and have spoken to a representative from SCAI, you will need to enter a grade of Incomplete (IN) for the student in your course and continue grading any work submitted by the student except for the assignment(s) submitted to SCAI for potential violations.
You can request an intake meeting with our office to review allegations, the Charges, possible Sanctions, and to be informed of the Student Conduct process, and any available forms of resolution. To request an intake meeting, please email with your availability and our office will get back to you within 2-3 business days.