
General and subject-specific tutoring

The SAAC provides general and subject-specific tutoring. Basic subjects, such as math, English, and science are the primary focus of tutoring services. However, tutoring is also available in some advanced level courses such as Calculus, Accounting, and Differential Equations. 

Writing tutoring

Writing assistance is provided to student-athletes by writing tutors, and is available to students who need support in the various stages of the writing process, such as brainstorming, planning, organizing, and revising. In addition, writing tutors work on sentence structure, grammar, sentence and paragraph development, punctuation, and citations.


For each tutoring session, students are expected to have attempted their work independently, and to bring specific questions regarding the assignment.

Tutoring appointments can be scheduled in two ways:

The student-athlete can request a tutor themselves by logging into GradesFirst (fiu.gradesfirst.com) and select “Request Tutor Appt” and fill out when they are available. They will receive an email when their appointment has been made.


  • Student-athletes who wish to cancel a tutoring appointment must call the SAAC or email the Tutor Coordinator three hours before the scheduled appointment time.

No shows/ late cancellations

  • Student-athletes are considered a “No Show” if appointments are not cancelled three hours in advance or if they arrive more than 15 minutes late.
  • 1st-3rd No Show (per academic term): The student-athlete’s coach may be notified and may result in meeting with the Director and Coordinator.

Citing resources


Main Office

Modesto A. Maidique Campus
Student-Athlete Academic Center (SAAC)
11200 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33199

Phone: 305-348-6412
Fax: 305-348-4122



Monday to Thursday: 8am – 8pm
8am – 5pm
1pm – 7pm