Alternative Format Conversion Tool

Convert a file with SensusAccess

SensusAccess is a file format-converting service that FIU has licensed for current students, faculty, and staff. This service is available free of charge and works with a range of alternate formats, including PDFs, JPEGs, e-books, Daisy, MP3, word/text files, or Braille.

The SensusAccess e-learning course is intended for students, staff, faculty, and others who are converting material into alternate formats such as audiobooks, e-books, digital large-print, and Braille, either for themselves or others. The course also covers how SensusAccess can be used to improve the accessibility of documents and to make documents easier to work with.

You can find more in the SensusAccess e-learning course.

Getting started

The quality of conversion will depend on the quality of the original document uploaded. Scanned documents and image-based files will depend on the quality and clarity of the document. A scanned document will be pre-processed using OCR (optical character recognition) to convert to a text-based document then it will be converted into the output desired. If you scan a document, make sure that it is a clean scan with good contrast. Smudges, tears in the paper, blurry print, and skewed text will affect the quality of the final product. If a document is in an image-based format, try converting it to a Tagged PDF and then copy/paste it into a Microsoft Word file.


  1. User uploads file through the form specified
  2. SensusAccess processes the information sent by the user
  3. Converts it to the specified file format requested by the user


By using this service, the user agrees to abide by any copyright and fair use laws and any applicable institutional policies

All copyright provisions apply to the use of the SensusAccess service. You must have appropriate copyright permission to upload materials to SensusAccess (i.e., you own the copyright, you are using the material under fair use or the disabilities provisions of copyright law).

You can make an accessible copy if you own the copyright (eg, it's your own work), have permission from the copyright holder, if the copyright has expired, or if it's for someone with a print disability. Note that the resulting file likely has the same copyright restrictions as the original. Please refer to the FIU copyright page to find more information on this topic. Additional information and resources can be found in the Fair Use section.

Printable Instructions

Best Practices