Panther Success Network Tutorials

Faculty Manual

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How to Access the Panther Success Network

You can conveniently access the Panther Success Network (PSN) from MyFIU or Campus Solutions.

  1. Log in to MyFIU.
  2. On your MyFIU homepage, select your Faculty homepage from the dropdown menu in the top center of the page
  3. Find the Progress Reports tile on your Faculty home page, then click on it
  4. Click on the Take me to the Panther Success Network button
  5. Finally, log in to the Panther Success Network using your Panther ID and MyAccounts password

Understanding your Faculty Homepage on PSN

After successfully logging in to the Panther Success Network you will have access to Creating NotesIssuing Progress ReportsViewing the Status of Progress Reports, and Updating a Case.

  • Creating Notes

    The Students in My Classes table shows a list of all the students enrolled in the classes you are teaching for the current semester. At the top left of the table, there is an Actions button, and when you click on the button you will see the option to create a Note. You can create Notes for students when you want to communicate with a student's advisor or Success Team about a sensitive topic. You can choose to include the student in the Note, but it is not recommended to do so unless the Note contains information that is relevant for both the student and the student's Success Team to know. 

    To create a Note follow these instructions:

    1. Locate the student(s) you want to create a Note for
    2. Select each student by clicking on the check-box to the left the student's name
    3. Click on the Actions menu at the top left of the Students in My Class table
    4. Click on the Note link
    5. Select any applicable Note Reasons in the Note window pop-up -- Note Reasons are optional
    6. Finally, click the Submit button
  • Issuing Progress Reports - Individual Student

    To issue a Progress Report, go to the Class Listing table located on your Professor Homepage. You will see one row for each class you are teaching in the current semester. To submit Progress Reports for a specific class, find the row for the class section that you need, then click on the Progress Reports link in the last column of the row. You will be redirected to the Progress Reports page for the class you selected.

    On the Progress Reports page, you will see a class roster at the bottom of the page. To submit a Progress Report, select one student using the check-box located to the left of the student's name, then click on the Actions menu located at the top left of the class roster, and finally click on the Create a New Progress Report link. 

    On the Add a New Progress Report window, begin by selecting whether or not the student is at-risk to fail your class. If you selected Yes, the student is at risk to fail your class, then you can also select one or more Alert Reasons explaining why the student is at risk to fail. You can include how many absences the student has in your class and the student's current grade. Finally, in the Comments box, you can enter any supporting comments regarding the student's performance in your class. Please keep in mind that students will be able to read your comments, so it is recommended that the comments be directed to the student and that they do not contain sensitive information. To complete the Progress Report, click the Submit Report button. Please note that sometimes the Panther Success Network takes a few minutes to successfully process your Progress Report. Please do not click the submit button more than once.

    1. On Class Listing, click on the Progress Reports link to submit Progress Reports for that class
    2. Select one student by clicking on the check-box next to the student's name
    3. Click on the Actions menu at the top left of the class roster table in the Progress Reports page
    4. Click on the Create a New Progress Report link
    5. Select Yes to indicate the student is at-risk of failing your class
    6. Select one or more Alert Reasons to include in your Progress Report
    7. Enter how many absences the student has in your class
    8. Enter the student's current grade
    9. Write additional comments about the student's performance in your class
    10. Click the Submit Report button only once to submit your report 
  • Issuing Progress Reports - Multiple Students

    To issue a Progress Report, go to the Class Listing table located on your Professor Homepage. You will see one row for each class you are teaching in the current semester. To submit Progress Reports for a specific class, find the row for the class section that you need, then click on the Progress Reports link in the last column of the row. You will be redirected to the Progress Reports page for the class you selected.

    On the Progress Reports page, you will see a class roster at the bottom of the page. To submit a Progress Report, select multiple students using the check-box located to the left of each student's name, then click on the Actions menu located at the top left of the class roster, and finally click on the Create a New Progress Report link. 

    On the Add a New Progress Report window, notice that there is a warning banner at the top of the window. This banner is to let you know that you are submitting reports for multiple students. Begin your Progress Report by selecting whether or not the students are at-risk to fail your class. If you selected Yes, the students are at risk to fail your class, then you can also select one or more Alert Reasons explaining why these students are at risk to fail. The Alert Reasons should apply to all the students you are making Progress Reports for because each student will receive an individual report with the Alert Reasons you select in this step. It is recommended that you do not enter absences or current grade when creating Progress Reports for multiple students because this information is not likely to be the same for all students. Finally, in the Comments box, you can enter any supporting comments regarding the students' performance in your class. These comments should be general enough to apply to all the students you selected for Progress Reports. Please keep in mind that students will be able to read your comments, so it is recommended that the comments also be directed to the student and that they do not contain sensitive information. To complete the Progress Report, click the Submit Report button. You will receive an additional pop-up asking you to confirm that you want to submit a Progress Report for multiple students, click the OK button. Please note that sometimes the Panther Success Network takes a few minutes to successfully process your Progress Report submission. Please do not click the submit button more than once.

    1. On Class Listing, click on the Progress Reports link to submit Progress Reports for that class
    2. Select multiple students by clicking on the check-box next to the student's name
    3. Click on the Actions menu at the top left of the class roster table in the Progress Reports page
    4. Click on the Create a New Progress Report link
    5. Notice the warning banner, then select Yes to indicate the students are at-risk of failing your class
    6. Select one or more Alert Reasons to include in your Progress Report
    7. Do not enter absences or current grade unless this information applies to all the selected students
    8. Write additional generic comments about the student's performance in your class
    9. Click the Submit Report button only once to submit your report
    10. On the pop-up warning, click the OK button
  • Viewing the Status of Progress Report

    Whether you issue a Progress Report for a single student or multiple students, you will be able to see a history of actions taken for each individual student. Each Progress Report you submit will open a case for each individual student. You can view these cases by clicking on the folder icon located on the vertical toolbar on the left side of your screen. 

    In the Cases page, you will see a list of all the cases that you opened, by creating Progress Reports, during the current semester. There are three tabs in the Cases page, but you only need to worry about the Current tab -- which contains Cases that are actively being monitored and updated by students' advisors. In the Open Cases table, click on the Manage Case button of any case to see the activity for that case. A new window will open on your screen with the Case information for the student that you selected. In the new window, you will see your initial comments and any additional comments created by the student's advisor.

    1. Click on the folder icon in the navy-colored vertical toolbar on the left side of your screen
    2. In the Cases page, use the Open Cases table in the Current tab to find a student's case, then click on the Manage Case button
    3. Read updated activity performed by the student's advisor, such as meeting with the student or determining a plan to successfully complete the class, etc. 
  • Updating a Case

    Go to the Cases page by clicking on the folder icon on the vertical toolbar on the left side of your screen. In the Cases page, you will see a list of all the cases that you opened, by creating Progress Reports, during the current semester. There are three tabs in the Cases page, but you only need to worry about the Current tab -- which contains Cases that are actively being monitored and updated by students' advisors. In the Open Cases table, click on the Manage Case button of any case to see the activity for that case. A new window will open on your screen with the Case information for the student that you selected. In the new window, you will see your initial comments and any additional comments created by the student's advisor. Click on the gray Add Comment button below the last comment in the case to add any additional comments concerning the student's performance after the initial Progress Report was submitted. The updates will let the student's advisor know if the student has improved their current grade or has not. To submit your new comments, click on the blue Add Comment button. Please do not click on the red Close Case button.

    1. Click on the folder icon in the navy-colored vertical toolbar on the left side of your screen
    2. In the Cases page, use the Open Cases table in the Current tab to find a student's case, then click on the Manage Case button
    3. Read updated activity performed by the student's advisor, such as meeting with the student or determining a plan to successfully complete the class, etc. 
    4. Click on the gray Add Comment button to write any new comments regarding the student's performance
    5. Click on the blue Add Comment button to save your new comments

If you have any questions after reviewing this tutorial, please contact Academic Advising Technology at