Are you facing an unexpected financial emergency that is getting in the way of focusing on your education? Are you not able to make ends meet as a result of a financial emergency, such as:

  • An unexpected car repair?
  • Lack of food resources?
  • Homelessness or housing insecurity?
  • Difficulty paying utility bills or rent?
  • A medical emergency?
  • Another type of financial emergency?

FIU offers short-term resources to help you during these times of need.

Student Emergency Fund (SEF)

The Student Emergency Fund (SEF) provides limited emergency financial assistance to currently enrolled FIU students who are unable to meet immediate, essential expenses because of temporary hardship related to an unexpected situation.

The fund is designed to offset a short-term financial need and is not intended to replace or supplement financial aid.

Help may come in in a variety of forms:

  • Grants
  • Loans
  • Nonmonetary assistance




Additional Resources


Contact FIU Emergency Aid

Modesto Maidique Campus (MMC): PC 158
Biscayne Bay Campus (BBC):
AC1 100
Contact Number: