Division Branding

Branded PowerPoint

These PowerPoint templates include DASA branded slides featuring FIU's REAL branding in case you wish to utilize them. Note: These do not need to be included at all times.   

Additional notes:

  • If you need a different slide format, please click on Insert > New Slide (arrow) > Choose the desired format (i.e. two-column slide, etc.).
  • While the official FIU fonts are Adobe Garamond (serif) and Helvetica (sans-serif), it is also acceptable to use Arial in PowerPoint presentations to ensure consistency across older versions of the software. 

What is a Unit Logo?

A unit logo is defined as a variation of the FIU logo to represent a specific unit, college, office, department, etc. Unit logos are composed of the FIU block letters and the official name of the unit. These also have different formats available based on the use case.

Does your DASA department need a logo? Please contact Sonia Hernandez at sgonza@fiu.edu for more information.

To learn more about logo usage, check out FIU’s Logo Usage and Guidelines for more information.

Division and Department Logos

For more information on the standards of logos at FIU, please click here