In collaboration with Research Methods faculty, the Center for Academic Success (CfAS) will be offering support to students enrolled in Research Methods I (PSY3211). There are two workshop series: Reading & Writing Support and Statistics Support. Please read the topics in each of the series for more information on what will be covered.

Workshop registration will take place on the Panther Success Network. Follow the steps below to register for the TLC for Research Methods 1 Statistical Series or Reading & Writing Series. Please keep in mind that PSN allows you to schedule one appointment at a time, you will have to follow the steps again if you want to schedule more than one TLC Research Methods 1 session.
- Login to the Panther Success Network
- Click the blue Schedule an Appointment button on the right side of your Student Home page
- Select the following options on the drop down menus:
- Type of Appointment: Tutoring - Center for Academic Success
- Why you'd like to see someone: TLC Research Methods - Statistics or TLC Research Methods - Reading & Writing
- Click Find First Available
- All locations will populate
- On the next screen select an available time for the session you selected, then click the Next button.
- Finally, make sure to write down appointment details -- including the Zoom information -- for the session you selected, and click the Confirm Appointment button.