The Center for Academic Success (CfAS) currently has tutors employed between both the Modesto Maidique Campus (MMC) and Biscayne Bay Campus (BBC.) They represent a wide gamut in cultural and educational backgrounds. The majority of tutors are at the undergraduate level of study, while a few are at the graduate level or preparing for professional school.
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Antonina Shachar
ASP Reading & Learning Strategies TutorReading & LearningEllowyn Taylor
Mathematics TutorMathematicsKevin Jimenez
Chemistry TutorChemistryLeonardo Luna
Chemistry TutorAccountingLucas Garay
Biology & Mathematics TutorMathematicsManuel Hernandez
Technology TutorTechnologyLaura Carlos Portillo
ASP Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics & Statistics TutorASPBiologyChemistryMathematicsStatisticsMatthew Torres
Reading & Learning TutorReading & Learning
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