Learning Strategies for General Chemistry 1 (CHM 1045)
The Center for Academic Success (CfAS) is hosting a program called “Learning Strategies for General Chemistry.” Specific skills are necessary to be a successful student in chemistry. Reinforcing algebraic thinking and making connections between the mechanics of chemistry and the general concepts are integral to building a strong foundation in the physical sciences.
This program is facilitated by tutors who have been very successful in general chemistry and are former students of chemistry faculty here at FIU. They have experienced the same frustrations as many general chemistry students and are excited about sharing the learning strategies they have identified as most successful for the course. The following are expectations for participants in this program.
The center will be eliciting feedback from you as students to refine the program to suit your needs as learners and the faculty’s needs as educators.
On the registration page, select the topic(s) that interest you. Then enter all the fields of requested information.