VEP Services

The Victim Empowerment Program (VEP) provides free and confidential services to assist students who have experienced current or threatened violence. VEP is dedicated to helping students in overcoming trauma and remaining successful in their academic pursuits.

Informed consent

Police reports are not required to receive services. Clients are provided with information and options and are free to decide which, if any, course of action they will pursue.

Meet an Advocate Counselor

Our VEP Advocate Clinicians are here to serve our students. We are mental health professionals who are trained in trauma and crisis intervention. Our goal is to provide you with information and options, so you are free to decide which, if any, course of action to pursue. We provide comprehensive supportive services to aid in recovery from experiences, including, (but not limited to):

  • Assault
  • Battery
  • Sexual and/or attempted sexual battery (acquaintance rape, date rape, stranger rape, molestation)
  • Stalking/ Harassment
  • Hazing
  • Hate Crimes
  • Domestic Violence
  • Dating Violence
  • Cyber/Sexual Harassment

Call 305-348-2277 between 8:30 AM - 5 PM to schedule an appointment.

  • Allot 30 minutes to complete initial appointment paperwork which is followed by a brief confidential consultation session with a counselor to assess appropriate delivery of services
  • Initial appointments and consultations will be made with the first available counselor.
  • Appointments will be held over the phone or by videoconference (through a HIPAA-compliant platform).

Types of services

Advocacy/case management

  • 24/7 support, information, referrals, and advocacy.
  • Assistance with the exploration of options and accessing community resources.
  • Supportive services, accompaniment to court, meetings, hearings, and depositions involving the criminal justice system or FIU student conduct process.
  • Help facilitating academic accommodations, if needed.
  • Speaking with instructors, legal representatives, family members, employers, landlords, and other campus or community service providers, upon request.


Supportive counseling

Supportive counseling to individuals who have been victimized, whether the abuse occurred recently or in the past:

  • Our Victim Advocate Counselors are mental health professionals trained in trauma and crisis intervention to provide comprehensive supportive counseling
  • Group Counseling and Psycho-education is available

Online resources

Visit the VEP Online Resources page.

Awareness Presentations

VEP Clinicians are available to make presentations. If you are interested in having our presenters in your class or event, please fill out our request form.