Cori the Corgi

Cori the Corgi

Ambassador of Inclusion

Disability Resource Center

Cori's Corner

Welcome to Cori’s Corner! My name is Cori the Corgi and I am the DRC’s mascot and official Ambassador for access and inclusion. I will be your guide for all things related to DRC, accessibility, inclusion, and social justice on campus. Join me in spreading the word that the FIU community is welcoming, inclusive, and embraces all types of diversity! Help yourself to any of the resources on this page as we navigate college together.

Zoom backgrounds

Cori flies through the sky on a cloud with a rainbow following behind. Text under the rainbow says "Be Kind"

 Cori relaxes in the waters of a beach sunset scene in floaty. On the horizon text says "Greetings from Remote Learning Island"

 Cori lies in bed feeling sad and sick. Books and first aid sit on the nightstand. A laptop on the floor shows doggie friends over a Zoom meeting. The text on the wall reads "Sick as a dog"

 sCori sits in a dog house smiling on a sunny day. Text in the sky reads "Stay Home"

 A group of corgis gather over Zoom. One corgi says "Welcome to our remote classroom." While four corgi students are alert and listening, one is snoozing.