Council for Undergraduate Academic Advising (CUAA)

Welcome! CUAA serves as a forum for the academic advising community to discuss, deliberate, and communicate university-wide academic advising issues related to policy and practice. This body also serves as a channel between academic advisors and Academic Affairs in addition to campus-wide offices that have an impact on student success and persistence toward degree completion. The core of our mission has always remained the same, which is to support and empower academic advisors. To that end, we make sure to provide opportunities (e.g., Advisor Forums) to help our advisors develop as professionals and awards in recognition of their outstanding performance.

Alina Dominguez, Chair


CUAA subcommittees are appointed by the Chair as needed. The Chair can appoint standing or temporary subcommittees. These subcommittees may include University members not in CUAA, but must also include CUAA members. Subcommittees serve as an advisory body to CUAA.

The following subcommittees are:

  • Bylaws Reviews the CUAA bylaws and makes recommendations
  • Campus Partnerships – Help foster relationships between advising and the various campus resources available for students
  • Forum and Conference Planning – Alina Dominguez, Chair and Gabriela Izaguirre, Co-Chair
    Helps in the planning and preparation for Fall forum and Spring advisor conference.
  • Online – Recommend best practices for online advising.
  • Policy and Procedures – Work with Enrollment Services and other university stakeholders that deal with policies and procedures affecting students and the advising community
  • Professional Development and Advising Best Practices – Develop internal professional development opportunities for advising
  • Technology – Responsible for gathering feedback and having discussions at the advisor level on the various technological tools the advising community utilizes
  • Transfer – Recommends best practices for advising transfer students, develops common protocols and guidelines for working with transfer students, advocates for the transfer student population

Adviser DRIVE

The Advisor DRIVE program is a professional development program geared towards academic advisors interested in growing within the field of Academic Advising and Higher Education at Florida International University (FIU).

To learn more about the Council for Undergraduate Academic Advising,
please contact us at