Jeanine Wooden, LCSW, CCTP
Education: Master Of Social Work, Florida International University-Miami, FL
Approach to Therapy: Therapy: Jeanine understands that every individual encompasses a variety of identities that shape who they are, which is extremely significant. Jeanine utilizes an integrative model that allows flexibility for a unique therapeutic experience. The goal is to assist students by creating a therapeutic process that meets students where they are, and addresses needs in a way that is individualized and impactful. Clinical Case Management: Jeanine focuses on working with students to assess identified needs. Through assessment, collaboration, and support, Jeanine works with students to assist with finding the best care options available on-campus and in the community.
Professional Interests: Jeanine has professional interests in the area of clinical case management and specialized services for individuals that need a higher level of care and/or additional support within the university setting. Additionally, Jeanine has over a decade of experience assisting and providing support to those who have experienced trauma.