Florida Civic Literacy Competency Requirement

The Florida Civic Literacy Competency Requirement is a statewide requirement that applies to degree-seeking undergraduate students initially entering a Florida State University System (SUS) or Florida College System (FCS) institution in the 2018-19 academic year and thereafterDepending on when a student first enters a Florida public college or university (after High School), the following requirements must be met: 

Cohort 4: Summer B/Fall 2024+

  • 🎓 Who? First Year & transfer students starting Summer B/Fall 2024+ (HS grads 2024+), including AA holders, additional bachelor’s seekers, and transfers from out-of-state/private institutions.
  • Requirement: Both course & assessment competency.

Cohort 3: Summer B/Fall 2021 – Summer A/C 2024

  • 🎓 Who? First Year & transfer students from this period (HS grads 2021-2023).
  • Requirement: Both course & assessment competency.

Cohort 2: Summer/Fall 2018 – Summer A/C 2021

  • 🎓 Who? First Year & transfer students from this period (HS grads 2018-2020).
  • Requirement:Either course or assessment competency. 

Schedule Your Assessment

To complete for the Florida Civic Literacy Test (FCLT) – Cohort 2 and 3 only

Students who enrolled at the university before Summer B/Fall 2024: You have been automatically enrolled in for the Florida Civic Literacy Test via FIU Develop. Log on to https://login.develop.fiu.edu/ using your FIU student credentials. The course will appear on your dashboard. From the course menu, click on Modules. Once you feel prepared to take the test, first click on Florida Civic Literacy Test then click on Take the Quiz. You will be prompted to Launch Proctoring via Honorlock. Follow the steps accordingly to take the test.

To register for Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE) -Cohort 2, 3 and 4

  • Students who enrolled at the university Summer B/Fall 2024 and beyond. 
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Where can I find the State University System (SUS) of Florida Civic Literacy Guideline?
  • What is the civic literacy test or exam?
    • The FCLE and FCLT assess students' civic literacy competency. The four domains and their competency areas include: 
      • Understanding of the basic principles and practices of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government. 
      • An understanding of the United States Constitution and its application. 
      • Knowledge of the founding documents and how they have shaped the nature and functions of our institutions of self-government. 
      • An understanding of landmark Supreme Court cases, landmark legislation and landmark executive actions and their impact on law and society.
  • How do I register for the Florida Civic Literacy Assessment?

    To complete for the Florida Civic Literacy Test (FCLT) – Cohort 2 and 3 only

    Students who enrolled at the university before Summer B/Fall 2024: You have been automatically enrolled in for the Florida Civic Literacy Test via FIU Develop. Log on to https://login.develop.fiu.edu/ using your FIU student credentials. The course will appear on your dashboard. From the course menu, click on Modules. Once you feel prepared to take the test, first click on Florida Civic Literacy Test then click on Take the Quiz. You will be prompted to Launch Proctoring via Honorlock. Follow the steps accordingly to take the test.

    To register for Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE) - Acceptable for Cohort 2,3, and 4

    Register for an FCLE Test

    Appointments are required for testing. Click below to register and pay for your FCLE exam. By clicking on a campus location below you are indicating that this is your campus of choice.

    Modesto Maidique Campus

    Biscayne Bay Campus


  • How does the civic literacy requirement apply to dual enrollment students?

    Enrollment in a Florida public institution (SUS or FCS) prior to graduating from high school does not exempt a student from having to meet the civic literacy requirement. These students would still be considered FTIC upon their enrollment in a Florida public institution and held to the Florida Civic Literacy requirement applicable to their catalog year. 


  • How does civic literacy apply to students who participated in the Global First Year Program at FIU?

    These students’ Civic Literacy Requirement is based on when they transition out of G1Y and become degree seeking students at FIU.


  • How do I study for the test?
    •  Florida Civic Literacy Test (FCLT): Eligible students have been enrolled in for the Florida Civic Literacy Test via FIU Develop where they can access the study guide. Log on to https://login.develop.fiu.edu/ using your FIU student credentials. The course will appear on your dashboard. From the course menu, click on Modules to access study materials.
  • Where can I take the civic literacy assessment?
    • For FLCT, the test is offered online via Canvas by registering for CIV 2222 during any term (e.g. fall/spring/summer A or Fall/spring/summer B). You can register for CIV 2222 during the enrollment period of your desired term.
    • For FLCE, the Civic Literacy exam is offered in-person at the Modesto A. Maidique or Biscayne Bay Campus or remote. If you are interested in taking the civic literacy exam at Modesto A. Maidique or Biscayne Bay, you must schedule an appointment online prior to taking the exam. You may register to take the exam at MMC, BBC, or remotely. Appointments are based on availability.
  • How much is the cost of the civic literacy exam or test?
    • For FCLT, the Civic Literacy Test requires you to pay for Honorlock for proctoring fee of $4.45 for each attempt.
    • For FCLE, the Civic Literacy Exam is $15 in-person and remote for each attempt. All registrations are non-refundable, non-transferable, and cannot be rescheduled without a fee.
  • Is the test timed?
    The civic literacy assessments are not timed
  • What happens if I fail the test?

    For the FCLT and the FCLE, you will be required to wait 24 hours prior to taking the exam again. Note: for the FCLE, you will need to schedule an appointment based on availability. You may take the exam as many times as needed in order to achieve a passing score. Proctoring fees apply for each attempt.


  • Will students who previously took the U.S Naturalization/Citizenship test to become a U.S citizen be considered to have satisfied the Civic Literacy requirement?

    No. Students who took the U.S Naturalization/Citizenship Test to become a U.S. Citizen will not have met the Civic Literacy requirement, as the test does not include the competencies as required by section 1007.25(4)(b)(2).


  • Does the civic literacy requirement apply to students seeking a second baccalaureate degree?

    The answer depends on when the student first entered any Florida public college or university as an undergraduate degree-seeking student. 

    • If a student earned their first degree from an institution that is not part of the Florida State University System (SUS) or Florida College System (FCS), then they must complete the Civic Literacy requirement in place at the time that they started their second degree in the SUS or FCS. 
    • If a student earned their degree from a State College or State University in Florida, then they must complete the Civic Literacy requirement in place at the time that they started their first degree. 
    • Beginning in Summer B/Fall 2024, students awarded an associate or baccalaureate degree by a state institution who initially entered prior to fall 2018 are required to meet the civic literacy requirements should they return to seek an additional undergraduate degree if they did not meet the requirements as part of their initial degree.
  • How does the civic literacy requirement apply to students who transferred to a SUS institution?
    • Out-of-state students transferring to an SUS institution during the 2021-22 academic year or thereafter, who have never previously enrolled in a public Florida institution (SUS or FCS), must meet the new civic literacy requirement, which includes both a course and an assessment.
    • In-state students or students that have been previously enrolled in a Florida public institution and are transferring back to a System institution, the institution should refer to the table "Ways, to Meet the Requirement" above to determine their cohort and civic literacy requirements.  
    • Dual enrollment students who have not already completed the civic literacy competency requirements prior to entering a state university must complete the requirements that correspond with the term the student entered the institution as a first-time in college degree-seeking student (i.e. post High School).
  • If a student received an associate degree from an FCS institution prior to Fall 2018 and is enrolled in a baccalaureate program beginning Fall 2018 or after, does this requirement apply?

    A student enrolled in a Florida public postsecondary institution as a degree seeking student (i.e. post High School) prior to the fall 2018 term, does not have to meet the civic literacy requirement. If a student was enrolled fall 2018 or later and has not met the civic literacy competency requirement, then their requirement would be based on the academic term in which the student initially enrolled at the institution awarding the Associate in Arts Degree. 

  • When is the deadline to satisfy the Civic Literacy Requirement?

    Students are encouraged to complete this requirement as soon as possible. Students must complete the Florida Civic Literacy requirement prior to graduation. 


  • What is a passing score for the civic literacy assessment?
    • For the Florida Civic Literacy Test (FCLT), the passing score is 60 out of 100 (60%). 
    • For the Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE), the passing score is 48 out of 80 (60%).  
  • How many questions are on the civic literacy assessment?
    • The Florida Civic Literacy Test (FCLT) is 100 questions. You are required to answer at least 60 questions correctly (60%). If you are unable to pass with 60%, you are required to retake the test. If you need to retake the test, you must wait 24 hours to retake it.
    • The Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE) is 80 multiple-choice questions. The test is divided into four sections each containing 20 questions (American Democracy, United States Constitution, Founding Documents, and Landmark Impact on Law and Society). You are required to answer at least 48 of the questions correctly (60%). If you need to retake the assessment, you must wait 24 hours. 
  • If a student took an exam other than AP or CLEP, such as AICE or IB, and received credit from the exam for AMH 2020 or POS2041, have they satisfied the civic literacy requirement?

    No. The 2021 Legislature amended section 1007.25, Florida Statutes, allowing all accelerated mechanism to count towards meeting civic literacy course requirements. Since the content covered in AICE and IB examinations currently does not contain the competencies required in section 1007.25(4)(b), Florida Statutes, a passing score on these exams will only satisfy the course competency requirement. 


  • What CLEP exam can I take to satisfy the Civic Literacy requirement? 
    Taking the CLEP for American Government and History of the United States I will satisfy the course and assessment requirement for the civic literacy. Taking the History of the United States II will only satisfy the course requirement for the civic literacy. 
  • What is the policy for retaking the CLEP exam after an unsuccessful attempt?
    Students who do not pass the CLEP must wait a minimum of three (3) months from the initial testing date before they are eligible to retake the exam.