Virtual Remote Testing Center

In addition to in-person testing, CTCC also serves the testing needs of our incoming and current students through its Virtual Remote Testing Center. vRTC offers select exams remotely. CTCC is committed to administering our remote exams safely and securely, using third-party solutions as well as by our live, nationally trained proctors. 


  • ALEKS Dual Enrollment
    Prior to the summer of 2018, ALEKS was the primary tool used to appropriately place students into introductory math courses. Beginning in the summer of 2018, however, FIU has adopted a new math placement model (MPM version 1.0) that replaces ALEKS as the primary placement tool. The MPM, considers, among others, three key variables for predicting the highest course in which a student might be successful. The most significant predictor variables were determined to be, in order, (1) unweighted overall high school GPA, (2) SAT Quantitative/ACT Math score, and (3) the difficulty of the highest level high school math course in which students enrolled.

    For some students, however, it may still be necessary for them to take the ALEKS. Unlike the new, math placement model, ALEKS, Placement, Preparation, and Learning (PPL) is a web-based, artificially intelligent system that "accurately measures the student's math foundation and creates a personalized learning module to review and refresh lost knowledge, allowing the student to be placed successfully".

    For those for whom the ALEKS PPL remains necessary, detailed information is provided below.

    • Please note for Dual Enrollment students seeking to take the ALEKS assessment remotely must first contact the Dual Enrollment department:

      1. Pay a $20 assessment fee to the ALEKS Corporation. It is important that you pay the required fee prior to your test date. Click here to access the ALEKS Dual Enrollment single sign-on page to create your account and to pay the $20 assessment fee.
      2. Students are to use Respondus Monitor and pay $5 for the remote assessment of the ALEKS.
      3. For a more detailed approach on how to register and take the ALEKS, please view the instructional video below:

    To re-take an assessment (up to 4 retakes allowed with no additional ALEKS fees)

    What can I expect on the assessment?

    First of all, you do not need a calculator. If a question requires the use of a calculator, one will appear on your screen. Before you start the assessment, a short tutorial is provided to familiarize you with the ALEKS dashboard. The assessment will consist of up to 30 open-ended questions, with varying degrees of difficulty. You will not know whether your answer is correct or not. Your initial answer determines what question you are asked next, as ALEKS probes the depth of your knowledge. Because of the adaptive nature of the assessment, you will not be permitted to go back to change your answers. Therefore, try to answer the questions to the best of your ability. You should answer “I don’t know” only if you truly do not know the answer.

    How long does the assessment take? Is there a time limit?

    You will have 2 hours and 30 minutes. The assessment should be completed in one sitting, so plan accordingly. The time starts when you begin the assessment. After 2 hours and 30 minutes, the assessment will close and you will be assigned the score earned at that time. If you are not happy with that score, you can retake the assessment after 48 hours have elapsed and after you have completed 3 hours within the prep module.

    How do I find out my ALEKS score?

    Your ALEKS score appears after you complete the assessment and will be available to your advisor within 24-48 hours. If you need it sooner, please print the results from within your ALEKS account. Click here to access your ALEKS Dual Enrollment single sign-on page.

    Can I take the assessment more than once?

    Yes. Within your initial ALEKS assessment purchase, you can take the assessment up to five times.

    How much does the assessment cost?

    The test fee consists of $20 payable to ALEKS Corporation. 

    Is there an additional proctoring fee to take the exam?

    Yes, Respondus Lockdown Monitor charges a $5 remote proctoring fee.

    Will the score appear on my transcript?

    No, the score will be available to your advisor and used only to place you in a class in which you are most likely to succeed.

    To access your records:

    • Log in to your Dual Enrollment ALEKS portal using your FIU credentials (single sign-on)
    • Click on the view report button on the left side of your dashboard. Depending on your score, you may be directed to the free Prep and Learning Module.
  • ALEKS Math Placement Assessment

    Prior to the summer of 2018, ALEKS was the primary tool used to appropriately place students into introductory math courses. Beginning in the summer of 2018, however, FIU has adopted a new math placement model (MPM version 1.0) that replaces ALEKS as the primary placement tool. The MPM, considers, among others, three key variables for predicting the highest course in which a student might be successful. The most significant predictor variables were determined to be, in order, (1) unweighted overall high school GPA, (2) SAT Quantitative/ACT Math score, and (3) the difficulty of the highest level high school math course in which students enrolled.

    For some students, however, it may still be necessary for them to take the ALEKS. Unlike the new, math placement model, ALEKS, Placement, Preparation, and Learning (PPL) is a web-based, artificially intelligent system that "accurately measures the student's math foundation and creates a personalized learning module to review and refresh lost knowledge, allowing the student to be placed successfully".

    For those for whom the ALEKS PPL remains necessary, detailed information is provided below.

    Where and how do I sign up to take the ALEKS PPL?

    Step 1

    Access your ALEKS single sign-on page by clicking the following link: ALEKS single sign-on page (Use Class Code DAERQ-YHTAT, if necessary)After you are logged into the portal, at the top right-hand corner of the class, click on the three vertical dots (“options to manage your class are here”) and click Apply access. Then select "No, I need to purchase an access code." Afterwards follow the instructions to move forward and pay the $20 access code fee.

    Please Note: It is important that you pay the required fee prior to your test date.

    Step 2

    Please Note: if you are a Dual Enrollment student, please follow the directions on the "ALEKS Dual Enrollment" tab below.

    To re-take an assessment (up to 4 retakes allowed with no additional ALEKS fees)

    What can I expect on the assessment?

    First of all, you do not need a calculator. If a question requires the use of a calculator, one will appear on your screen. Before you start the assessment, a short tutorial is provided to familiarize you with the ALEKS dashboard. The assessment will consist of up to 30 open-ended questions, with varying degrees of difficulty. You will not know whether your answer is correct or not. Your initial answer determines what question you are asked next, as ALEKS probes the depth of your knowledge. Because of the adaptive nature of the assessment, you will not be permitted to go back to change your answers. Therefore, try to answer the questions to the best of your ability. You should answer “I don’t know” only if you truly do not know the answer.

    How long does the assessment take? Is there a time limit?

    You will have 2 hours and 30 minutes. The assessment should be completed in one sitting, so plan accordingly. The time starts when you begin the assessment. After 2 hours and 30 minutes, the assessment will close and you will be assigned the score earned at that time. If you are not happy with that score, you can retake the assessment after 48 hours have elapsed and after you have completed 3 hours within the prep module.

    How do I find out my ALEKS score?

    Your ALEKS score appears after you complete the assessment and will be available to your advisor within 24-48 hours. If you need it sooner, please print the results from within your ALEKS account. Click here to access your ALEKS single sign-on page.

    Can I take the assessment more than once?

    Yes. Within your initial ALEKS assessment purchase, you can take the assessment up to five times.

    How much does the assessment cost?

    The test fee consists of $20 payable to ALEKS Corporation. 

    Is there an additional proctoring fee to take the exam?

    Yes, remote proctoring fees with ProctorU or any approved testing facility will apply.

    Will the score appear on my transcript?

    No, the score will be available to your advisor and used only to place you in a class in which you are most likely to succeed.

    To access your records:

    • Log in to your ALEKS portal using your FIU credentials (single sign-on)
    • Click on the view report button on the left side of your dashboard. Depending on your score, you may be directed to the free Prep and Learning Module.
  • FCLE - Remote


    In 2017, the Florida Legislature amended section 1007.25, Florida Statutes, and introduced a new civic literacy requirement for all students graduating from a Florida public postsecondary institution. Beginning in the fall of 2018, students entering a Florida public postsecondary institution for the first time would need to demonstrate civic literacy by either taking a specific course or passing an assessment. The 2021 Legislature amended section 1007.25, Florida Statutes, requiring students to complete both a course and an assessment. In 2024, the Board of Governors revised Regulation 8.006 to include the course AMH X010 to meet civic literacy competencies and to better align the regulation to the Florida Department of Education rule. As a result of these changes, four cohorts of students are currently matriculating through Florida public postsecondary institutions subject to varying civic literacy competency requirements.

    Table 1 below outlines the civic literacy requirements based on the specified date of the academic term in which a student initially entered a State University System (SUS) or Florida College System (FCS) institution.

    Table 1: Civic Literacy Requirements by Cohort of Students
    Students Included in CohortCivic Literacy Requirement
    Cohort 1
    Students initially entering the SUS or FCS before fall 2018
    Cohort 2
    Students initially entering the SUS or FCS in Academic Year 2018 through Academic Year 2020*
    Course OR Assessment
    Cohort 3
    Students initially entering the SUS or FCS in Academic Year 2021 through Academic Year 2023*
    Course AND Assessment
    Cohort 4
    Students initially entering the SUS or FCS in fall 2024 and thereafter
    Course AND Assessment

    *It is the university’s discretion to determine their academic year.

    Additionally, for Cohorts 3 and 4, approved accelerated mechanisms may meet the course and/or assessment requirement, and students who pass the Florida Civic Literacy Examination (FCLE) in high school are exempt from the postsecondary assessment requirement.

    Beginning with the fall term 2024 and thereafter, any undergraduate degree-seeking student, regardless of their cohort, can use any of the approved options for Cohort 4 to satisfy civic literacy competency before graduation.


    Course and Assessment Options for Cohorts 2, 3, and 4
    OptionsScoreCohort 2Cohort 3Cohort 4
    Courses & Accelerated Mechanisms
    POS X041 (including dual enrollment)Passing gradeCourseCourseCourse
    AMH X010 (including dual enrollment)*Passing gradeCourse*Course*Course*
    AMH X020 (including dual enrollment)Passing gradeCourseCourseCourse
    Advanced Placement Government and Politics: United States3Course & AssessmentCourse & AssessmentCourse & Assessment
    Advanced Placement United States History4Course & AssessmentCourse & AssessmentCourse & Assessment
    Cambridge AICE History, U.S. History, c.1840-1990 (A-Level)A-ECourseCourseCourse
    IB History: History of the Americas5-7CourseCourseCourse
    CLEP American Government50Course & AssessmentCourse & AssessmentCourse & Assessment
    CLEP History of the United States I50Course & AssessmentCourse & AssessmentCourse & Assessment
    CLEP History of the United States II50CourseCourseCourse
    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Naturalization Test-Civics (U.S. history and government) with supplemental questions60AssessmentAssessmentNone
    Florida Civic Literacy Examination (FCLE)60AssessmentAssessmentAssessment

    *If completed fall 2024 or after


    Click here to learn more about the state of Florida's Civic Literacy Competency Graduation Requirements.


    About the FCLE

    The FCLE assesses students' civic literacy competency. The four domains and their competency areas include:

    • Understanding of the basic principles and practices of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government.
    • An understanding of the United States Constitution and its application.
    • Knowledge of the founding documents and how they have shaped the nature and functions of our institutions of self-government.
    • An understanding of landmark Supreme Court cases, landmark legislation and landmark executive actions and their impact on law and society.

    Preparing for an FCLE – Remote test:

    1. You must be available on the day and time of the scheduled appointment to take the test.
    2. Lack of proper identification at the time of check-in will result in denial of admission to the test session.
    3. The exam will begin once check-in has been completed. Excessively late arrivals may not be allowed to test and may be required to request a new appointment.
    4. A valid, unexpired form of identification is required to be admitted for testing. Listed below are the acceptable forms of identification:
    • Government-issued driver's license
    • Government-issued photo identity cards 
    • U.S. Military ID
    • Government Issued Passport or Passport Card
    • Naturalization card 
    • Student ID

    What will the test look like?

    Practice tests and sample test materials are provided to enable users to become familiar with the functionality and item types that students will encounter in the Test Delivery System. Please use the instructions below to help navigate to a practice test session.

    1. Navigate to the FCLE Website
    2. Select (Sample Items).
    3. Click the green "Sign in" button.
    4. For "Student Grade Level" select "30" in the drop-down menu.
    5. From the drop-down menu click “Sample Items”, once you’ve done that select the "Start Civics EOC Practice Test."
    6. Choose your settings.
    7. Click the Select" button.
    8. Click the "Begin Test Now" button.

    FCLE Review Materials

    Student performance on the sample test should not be used as a predictor of performance on the actual test, and neither the sample test nor the supplemental guide should be used to guide classroom instruction.

    Additional Civic Literacy resources are available on this page:



    1. Read the following before testing:
    2. You must have a reliable internet connection, download and install the secure browser, and consent to video and audio recording. Additionally, you'll need to complete a pre-compatability computer test.
    3. Please make sure you are available at the scheduled date and time to take your test.

    Register for an FCLE - Remote test

    Appointments are required for testing. Click the registration button below to register and pay for your Florida Civic Literary Exam.   

      Register here  

    Additional Information

    • The FCLE has 80 multiple-choice questions. The test is divided into four sections each containing 20 questions (American Democracy, United States Constitution, Founding Documents, and Landmark Impact on Law and Society).
    • The passing score is 48 out of 80 (60%).
    • There is no time limit; however, the FCLE takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete.
    • Scratch paper is only permitted if it's documented as a testing accommodation.


    Where to View Your FCLE Test Status

    You can check to see if your Civic Literacy Test Component has been satisfied by logging into your My FIU account. Please keep in mind that it may take up to 5 business days for your test status to appear.

    Retaking the remote FCLE

    A retake requires a 24-hour waiting period between exams (based on appointment availability).

  • FCLT - Remote (CIV 2222)


    In 2017, the Florida Legislature amended section 1007.25, Florida Statutes, and introduced a new civic literacy requirement for all students graduating from a Florida public postsecondary institution. Beginning in the fall of 2018, students entering a Florida public postsecondary institution for the first time would need to demonstrate civic literacy by either taking a specific course or passing an assessment. The 2021 Legislature amended section 1007.25, Florida Statutes, requiring students to complete both a course and an assessment. In 2024, the Board of Governors revised Regulation 8.006 to include the course AMH X010 to meet civic literacy competencies and to better align the regulation to the Florida Department of Education rule. As a result of these changes, four cohorts of students are currently matriculating through Florida public postsecondary institutions subject to varying civic literacy competency requirements.

    Table 1 below outlines the civic literacy requirements based on the specified date of the academic term in which a student initially entered a State University System (SUS) or Florida College System (FCS) institution.

    Table 1: Civic Literacy Requirements by Cohort of Students
    Students Included in CohortCivic Literacy Requirement
    Cohort 1
    Students initially entering the SUS or FCS before fall 2018
    Cohort 2
    Students initially entering the SUS or FCS in Academic Year 2018 through Academic Year 2020*
    Course OR Assessment
    Cohort 3
    Students initially entering the SUS or FCS in Academic Year 2021 through Academic Year 2023*
    Course AND Assessment
    Cohort 4
    Students initially entering the SUS or FCS in fall 2024 and thereafter
    Course AND Assessment

    *It is the university’s discretion to determine their academic year.


    Course and Assessment Options for Cohorts 2, 3, and 4
    OptionsScoreCohort 2Cohort 3Cohort 4
    Courses & Accelerated Mechanisms
    POS X041 (including dual enrollment)Passing gradeCourseCourseCourse
    AMH X010 (including dual enrollment)*Passing gradeCourse*Course*Course*
    AMH X020 (including dual enrollment)Passing gradeCourseCourseCourse
    Advanced Placement Government and Politics: United States3Course & AssessmentCourse & AssessmentCourse & Assessment
    Advanced Placement United States History4Course & AssessmentCourse & AssessmentCourse & Assessment
    Cambridge AICE History, U.S. History, c.1840-1990 (A-Level)A-ECourseCourseCourse
    IB History: History of the Americas5-7CourseCourseCourse
    CLEP American Government50Course & AssessmentCourse & AssessmentCourse & Assessment
    CLEP History of the United States I50Course & AssessmentCourse & AssessmentCourse & Assessment
    CLEP History of the United States II50CourseCourseCourse
    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Naturalization Test-Civics (U.S. history and government) with supplemental questions60AssessmentAssessmentNone
    Florida Civic Literacy Examination (FCLE)60AssessmentAssessmentAssessment

    *If completed fall 2024 or after


    Click here to learn more about the state of Florida's Civic Literacy Competency Graduation Requirements.

    Where can I take the test?

    CIV 2222 is administered remotely. Use the virtual proctoring (Honorlock) that is embedded in this course to take CIV 2222.

    When can I take the test?

    CIV 2222 can be taken during any term (e.g. Spring A or Spring B) for which you have registered. 
    Register for CIV 2222 via during the enrollment period of the desired term (e.g. Spring A or Spring B).

    If you answer less than 60 questions correctly, you will be required to retake the test.

    If you choose to retake the test during this term, you are required to wait 24 hours after your first attempt. Select one of the options above to do so.

    If you choose to retake the test in the next term, you will be required to re-enroll in CIV 2222.

    How do I register for the test?

    Register for CIV 2222 via during the enrollment period of the desired term.

    From the course menu in Canvas, click on Modules and then click on Take This Quiz. You will then be prompted to Launch Proctoring via Honorlock. Follow the steps accordingly to take the test.

    CIV 2222 Study Materials

  • FLATS Remote Testing

    Foreign Language Achievement Testing Service (FLATS) 

    The  Center for Testing and Career Certification  (CTCC) has partnered with Brigham Young University (BYU) to offer online tests for many languages. (NEW) You can now earn foreign language credits in addition to satisfying your foreign language requirement by attaining a pass on any of the FLATS exams. To view the complete list of FLATS exams,  click here.  All tests have a listening, reading, and grammar component and are eligible to cover the equivalence of the first three semesters of a given language. The tests are multiple-choice and are on a pass/fail basis. Students are allowed two and a half hours to complete their tests. To view FIU’s credit equivalency table,  click here. 

    The total cost to take the FLATS exam is $115 separated into two easy steps: $50 payable to (BYU) FLATS, an$65 payable to Florida International University.

    Step 1: 

    BYU Registration Instructions: 

    • Go to the  Foreign Language Achievement Testing Service (FLATS) website. 
    • Click on “Register  for a Test”. 
    • For “Current University” select "Florida International University" 
    • For "Language to be Tested" select the desired language. 
    • For “Proctor Information” please input the following:

    Florida International University students: for the FLATS Remote Option, first enter the FIU proctor information listed below.

    Name: Jessica Montelongo

    Department:  Center for Testing and Career Certification
    Educational Institution: Florida International University
    Address: 3000 NE 151st Street, AC1 160
    City, State Zipcode: Miami, FL 33181
    Phone: 305-919-4043
    Confirm Email:

    For “Sending Results to Your School” please input the following. 

    Name: Dwight Nimblett, Director 
    Department:  Center for Testing and Career Certification 
    University: Florida International University 
    Address: 11200 SW 8 th  Street, GL 120 
    City, State Zip: Miami, FL 33199 
    Phone: 305-348-2441 

    Should you need any further assistance with registering for the test, please contact BYU  (FLATS)  at (801) 422-3512.  

    Step 2:  

    FIU Registration Instructions: 

    When BYU approves your request, they will send you an email that contains the confirmation number and password you will need in order to test. At this point, you MUST navigate to the Center for Testing and Career Certification's website and complete the following steps: 

    1. Select Register for an exam on the website’s main menu.
    2. Scroll down and select Virtual Remote Testing Center under the "Schedule Your Exam" section.
    3. Under ‘choose group’ select FLATS.
    4. Under ‘choose your exam’ select FLATS Exam ($65 FIU administrative fee).
    5. Choose a date and time for your exam.
    6. Complete the registration process.


    Before testing day

    • You must be unaccompanied in an organized, distraction-free room. 
    • Headphones are not required. You must inform proctors prior to the exam if you need to use headphones. All headphone usage must be approved by a proctor.  
    • Ensure that you have Chrome or Firefox browser on your computer.
    • You must present an unexpired Government Issued ID. 
    • You must have available your FLATS confirmation number and password.  
    • secured internet connection is necessary.
    • No breaks are allowed during the exam.
    • Please use the restroom or drink any liquids prior to logging on.  
  • Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (PERT)

    The PERT exam is an alternative method used to assess students for college readiness. PERT is available throughout the year for students applying to FIU programs. Dual Enrollment students should contact the FIU Office of Dual Enrollment for more information. For other programs such as College Prep, Golden Scholars, and Upward Bound please contact the relevant department.