Intake & Recruitment Events

Ready to join FIU Greek Life? Check out one of our recruiting events!

Each governing council has its way of getting you involved with Greek Life and helping you learn more about your future brothers and sisters.

  • College Panhellenic Council (CPH)

    Orientation - September 6
    Round 1 - September 7
    Round 2 - September 8
    Round 3, Preference Day - September 14
    Bid Day - September 15

  • Independent Greek Council (IGC)

    IGC Promotional Week – October 7 to 11
    IGC 101 Information Session – October 10

  • Interfraternity Council (IFC)

    IFC Promotional Week – September 9 to 13
    IFC 101 Information Session – September 10

  • Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)

    MGC Promotional Week – August 26 to 30
    MGC 101 Information Session – August 27

  • National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)

    NPHC Week – September 1 to 6
    NPHC 101 Series (required to participate in chapter intake) – September 3, 10, 17 and 24