Sigma Chi

Sigma Chi

Lambda Iota Chapter


President: Ethan Rebozo

Governing Council: Interfraternity

Chapter Information

  • 2011

    Chapter Founded

  • Blue and Old Gold

    Chapter Colors

2023-24 Chapter Scorecard

  • 2.88

    Spring 2024 GPA

  • 20


  • 0

    Funds Raised

  • 0

    Service Hours

Conduct Report

Sigma Chi Conduct Report
Semester Violations Outcomes
Fall 2023 5.xi.i. Failure to Comply -- Responsible
5.xxvi.i. Student Organization Policies -- Responsible
5.xxiv. Social Host Responsibility -- Responsible
5.xxix.i. Vandalism/Damage/Littering -- Responsible
Deferred Suspension from January 26, 2024 - August 1, 2025
Executive Board Officer Training.
Chapter Implemented Action Items.