Any individual who is seeking college credit for knowledge gained outside the traditional classroom can attempt DSST exams. In addition to the considerable cost savings realized by college students, adult learners, high school students, or military personnel, successfully completing DSST exams allow students to significantly accelerate their academic goals toward degree completion.
Get more information on DSST course equivalencies and credit-by-exam tables.
Get more detailed information about the DSST program, including access to online practice exams.
View DSST exam content outlines and sample questions.
Appointments for the DSST are available regularly throughout the semester. The cost of the examination is $130 (this includes a $100 DSST fee and a $30 testing center administrative fee).
Active Duty and Veteran Military Members
DSST exams enable military personnel to advance their educational and academic goals even while in the service. At Florida International University, as a Fully Funded DSST Test Center, eligible military members and eligible spouses are able to have the Test Center sitting fee waived (first attempt only) for any of the given DSST exams.
Important Instructions Prior to Testing
- Create an account with DSST by visiting the DSST website.
- Identify the four-digit code for the college where you want your score to be sent. You will need it on the day that you take your exam.
- Register with the FIU Center for Testing and Career Certification
DSST Principles of Public Speaking Candidates
Candidates who are taking DSST Principles of Public Speaking please, contact the testing center office to complete the registration process.
- Biscayne Bay Campus | P: (305) 919-4043
- Modesto Maidique Campus | P: (305) 343-2441