Answering questions and ensuring effective resolutions
The Ombudsperson provides assistance to students who have encountered problems or conflicts within the university. Particularly problems not being adequately addressed through normal channels. The Ombudsperson may resolve problems through various methods, including making inquiries or referrals to the appropriate university department for review. The Ombuds empowers individuals to overcome disputes, conflicts and barriers that stand in the way of reaching their full potential.
FIU's Ombuds acts as a no-barrier, first-stop for students seeking guidance, information and insight from a trusted advisor who is:
INDEPENDENT - The ombuds office is independent in structure, function and appearance. It exists to present solutions and guidance independent of internal or external forces.
IMPARTIAL - The ombuds does not take sides, but works to address issues in a way that allows everyone involved in a dispute to be treated fairly and in good faith.
CONFIDENTIAL - The ombuds will protect your identity and the information you share.
INFORMAL - Visiting an ombuds doesn’t trigger a formal course of action. Engaging an ombuds is always “off the record.”